Year - 1911
9th AprilBorn in Burgos, in the Paseo de la Isla, 31-3 rd.
21st AprilHe receives the Baptism in the Church of Santa Águeda, he was given the names of Rafael, Arturo, Álvaro, José of the Immaculate Conception and Saint Luis Gonzaga.
Year - 1913
1st DecemberThe 1st December, he receives the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Christ-Child School in the same city.
Year - 1919
25 de octubreRaphael receives his First Communion in the Church of the Monastery of the Visitation (Salesians) in Burgos.
Year- 1920
Month of October
In the month of October, he enrolled as a day student for the School of the Mercy, of the Company of Jesus and he enrolled as a member of Mary Immaculate.
1st December
He got sick with coli-baciliar fever. He had to stop attending the school. The Father Orá S.J., Dean of the School of the Mercy used to take him the communion every Sunday.
Year - 1921
Month of April
In April, his mother took him to Madrid; they lodged in his maternal grandmother´s house. The reason of the trip was a change of scenary so that he recovered from his illness.
4th May
He went back to Burgos and on the 4th of May, pleurisy arose that was really serious.
End of Summer
At the end of the summer, and fully recovered, his father took him to Zaragoza so as to offer him to the Virgin of the Pillar and to give Her thanks for the recovery obtained.
Year - 1922
Over the year
During this year, Sir Raphael, forest engineer, moved with all his family to the city of Oviedo.
Year - 1923
At the beginning of the school year, he continues his high school studies in Saint Ignacio School of the Company of Jesus in the same city.
Year – 1926
He starts to take painting lessons outside the school, with Mr. Eugenio Tamayo but not stopping to attend the school.
Year - 1930
15th April
He obtains a Bachelor Degree at the University of Oviedo
26th April
He is accepted in the Higher School of Architecture in Madrid.
23rd September
He visits the Cistercian Monastery of Saint Isidro of Dueñas (Palencia) for first time.
Year - 1931
Month of February
In February, he is accepted as an active member for the Adoratio Nocturna in Oviedo
Year - 1932
17th to 26th July
From the 17th to the 26th July, he carries out spiritual exercises in the Cistercian Monastery of Saint Isidro of Dueñas
17th September
Raphael settled his residence in Madrid because of his studies. He stayed there as a student in the Higher School of Architecture until the active military service.
Year- 1933
From January to July
From the 25th January to the 26th July, he did the mandatory military service in the Engineering corps.
Year- 1934
15th January
On the 15th January, he joined the Novitiate of Saint Isidro of Dueñas (Palencia) where he stayed for four months in the observance of the entire Rule.
26th May
Upon his Superiors´ desires and seriously ill with diabetes, he goes back home to restore his health
Year- 1936
11th January
Raphael comes back to the Monastery as an “Oblate” since, due to his illness he cannot make his novitiate or profess religious vows.
29th September
He leaves the Monastery again with other young monks who are called in the defence of a combat on the occasion of the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939.
6th December
After having been declared totally unfit for the military service, Raphael goes back to the Monastery again.
Year- 1937
7th February
Being his illness getting worse and in view of the difficult conditions of the monastic life during the war years, the Superiors send him home again so that he recovers better
15th DecemberDisregarding the comforts and nursing in his home, Raphael go back to the Monastery again and permanently where he should die.
Year - 1938
Raphael gave his soul to God and the following day, after the solemn funeral, his corpse was buried in the graveyard of the Cistercian Community of the Trapa of Saint Isidro of Dueñas
Year- 1942
Father Damián Yánez Neira, a fellow novice of Brother Raphael propose to the Abbot Dom Buenaventura Ramos, in those days Abbot of the Monastery of Saint Isidro of Dueñas, the convenience to exhume the remains of Brother Raphael in order to lay them in another deserving and distinguished place.
Year- 1960
Dom Buenaventura Ramos Caballero, Abbot of Saint Isidro of Dueñas, of the General Chapter, requests the permit of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance to initiate the process in favour of Beatification of Brother Raphael Arnáiz Barón.
Year - 1961
28th June
Submission of a request to Mr. José Souto y Vizoso, the Bishop of Palencia (Spain), by Father Teófilo Sandoval Fernández O.C.S.O, Vice-Postulator of the Cause of Beatification.
The Bishop welcomes the request with interest and affection. In the “Official Gazette of the Diocese of Palencia”, an EDICT where there was proof of the opening of the process and the formation of the Constitutional Tribunal was published.
Year - 1962
2nd May
The “process” about the written works by the servant of God, Brother Raphael was closed down.
10th May
It is the opening of the Regular Procedure about the life, saintliness reputation, virtues and miracles of the Servant of God.
25th June
It is the Rogatory Procedure in Oviedo to interrogate the many witnesses living in that city.
Year - 1963
8th July
It is the Closing down of Rogatory Procedure in Oviedo.
Year - 1964
20th April
It is the Reporting Procedure about the life, saintliness reputation, virtues and miracles of the Servant of God, Brother María Rafael Arnáiz Barón.
29th June
It is the opening, in the presence of Mr. José Souto y Vizoso, the Bishop of Palencia, the third and the last Diocesan Procedure, the “Non Cultu”.
22nd October
It is the closing down of the Procedure of “Non Cultu”.
Year - 1965
18th November
It is the exhumation and removal of the mortal remains of Brother Raphael, from the communal graveyard of the “Trapa” to the tomb located in the processional cloister, western wing.
Year - 1966
First Months
His writings were copied down as they had to be taken to the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of the Saints in Rome.
Year - 1967
30th April
It is the Closing down of the Diocesan Procedure of Brother Raphael, in the Abbey Church in the “Trapa of Saint Isidro of Dueñas”. The act was chaired by Bishop of Palencia, Mr. José Souto y Vizoso.
4th December
The Vice-Postulator of the Cause of Beatification of Brother Raphael, Father Teófilo Sandoval Fernández, arrived in Rome as the bearer of all the documentation related to the Procedure in order to submit it to the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of the Saints. By then, the Prefect of this Sacred Congregation was his Excellency Cardinal Arcadio María Larraona C.M.F
Year - 1968
27th January
The Opening of the “Apostolic Procedure” was approved.
Year - 1972
13th November
The remains of Brother Raphael were moved, from the sepulcher placed in the processional cloister to the Abbey Church of Saint Isidro of Dueñas. The Bishop of Palencia, Mr. Anastasio Granados García and several abbots of the Cistercian Order, authorities from Palencia and a large audience attended the act. His brothers, Luis Fernando, a Carthusain monk, and Leopoldo attended it, too.
Year - 1974
25th January
It is the approval in Rome of the written works by Brother Raphael, by the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of the Saints.
Year - 1978
Month of December
The “Summarium” is received, in other words, the document of the Postulatory Letters for the introduction of the “Apostolic Procedure”
Year- 1980
10th January
The Counsel of the Cause gives the “Positio super introductione Causae” (Document about the Introduction of the Cause) to the Sacred Congregation.
Year - 1983
The Most Reverend General Promoter of the Faith, Monsignor Antonio Petti, signs the “Votum super dubio an Causa introducenda sit” (VOTE about whether the Cause of Beatification has to be introduced in Rome)
6th June
The General Postulator of the Cause gives a “Relation”, with which the requirements by the “Votum” dated on the 15th January are answered, to the Sacred Congregation.
1st November
The Councel of the Cause of Beatification, Mr. Julio Dante, gives the “Sylloges” (Sythesis) about the heroism of the virtues of the Servant of God to the Congregation.
Year - 1984
23rd to 29th April
Holy Week for the Resurrection of Christ, a week of Spirituality regarding the figure and written works by Brother Raphael was celebrated in the Cistercian Monastery of the “Trapa” of Saint Isidro of Dueñas. Several lecturers participated, among them, two Archbishops, Monsignor Teodoro Cardenal Fernández, Archbishop of Burgos and Monsignor José Delicado Baeza, idem in Valladolid. The closing down, on the 29th, was chaired by his Excellency Mr. Cardinal Archbishop of Toledo, the Primate of Spain Mr. Marcelo González Martín, in a mass co-celebrated by him and almost a hundred of monks and diocesan priests.
Year - 1987
24th July
Father Valentino G.MACCA of S. María O.C, the rapporteur of the Cause of Beatification of Brother Raphael, Father, signs the “Relazione” about the heroism of the virtues of the Servant of God. This is the document that, with prior approval by the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, would take Brother Raphael to being declared Venerable by the Pope.
Year - 1989
11th July
The Cardinals of the Sacred Congregations for the Causes of the Saints, unanimously voted the recognition of the heroic virtues of Brother Raphael, after the lecture presented by Cardinal Innocenti.
20th August
During the World Youth Day, celebrated in Santiago de Compostela, Pope John Paul II proposed Brother Raphael as a model in disciplineship of Christ.
7th September
It is the promulgation of the Decree about the heroism of the virtues of Brother Raphael vía the statement that his Holiness Pope John Paul II solemnly made. Therewith, he was declared VENERABLE.
Year - 1990
18th June
The “Positio” about the miracle attributed to Brother Raphael is presented.
Year - 1991
31st October
The miracle was unanimously approved by the doctors of the Sacred Congregation.
Año - 1992
4th March
The miracle was approved by the theologian of the Sacred Congregation.
13th June
The Decree about the approval of the miracle attributed to Brother Raphael is read.
27th September
The 27th of September, he was beatified by Pope John Paul II, in Saint Peter Square in Rome, together with other servants of God.
Year - 2005
9th April
It is the Opening of the Diocesan Procedure for the Canonization of Blessed Raphael, before the Community of monks and a numerous assembly of believers. The act was chaired by Mr. Rafael Palmero Ramos, Bishop of Palencia.
Year - 2006
7th May
In the presence of the Apostolic Administrator, Mr. Gerardo Melgar, due to the fact that the Diocese was in a period of “sede vacante”, the Diocesan Procedure was closed down.
15th Mayo
The Vice-Postulator, Father Alberico Feliz Carbajal, took the dossiers of the Diocesan Procedure to the secretary of the Sacred Congregation. Ten days later, the notice of its opening was received.
Year - 2007
The notice of the “validity of the Diocesan Procedure” was received.
Year - 2008
13th March
7th July
The miracle was approved by the theologians of the Sacred Congregation.
Pope Benedicte XVI authorised to Monsignor Angelo Amato S.D.B, prefect of the Causes of the Saints to promulgate the decree of the canonization of Blessed Brother Raphael.
Year - 2009
21st February
Benedicte XVI chaired the Public Regular Consistory, being the date for the Canonization set on 11th of October of that year.