Abadía Cisterciense
34208 San Isidro de Dueñas – Palencia
After the ministry of prayer, the hospitality has been the most characteristic service that the monasteries have provided to the Church.
As Saint Benedicte taught his monks:
“All the outsiders that come will be welcome as Christ was! (RB LIII,1)
Faithful to the tradition, the monks provide welcome to those that arrive:
“The brethren will receive with his goodness and reverence to all those that the divine providence leads to the Monastery…” (C.30)…
“The monasteries are holy places not only for everyone that participates in the same faith but also for all willing men” (Est, 30 B).
The hospitality lived in the spirit of Faith is a source of grace both for the guest or the community.
Nonetheless, for all our good deeds and the smooth operation of our hostelry, a previous booking and confirmation will be needed.
34208 San Isidro de Dueñas – Palencia
630 454 820
10:30 to 13:30 – 15:30 to 18:15
10:00 to 13:30 – 15:30 to 18:45
Welcoming days are from Monday to Saturday.