“The Cistercian Order is an Institute of monastic life entirely committed to contemplation. For this reason, the monks are dedicated to the Divine Worship under the law of Saint Benedicte within the enclosure of the Monastery. In solitude and quietness, on a constant prayer and a joyful penance, they offer a humble but dignified service together, beholding the monastic life as determined according to these Constitutions” (c.2)
“The Cistercian life is coenobitic. The Cistercian monks seek God and follow Christ under a Rule and an Abbot in a stable community, school of fraternal charity. Thanks to the fact that the brethren have an only heart and a sole spirit, they have all things in common. Since ones carry others’ chapters, they fulfill the Law of Christ and when taking part of His passion, they look forward to entering the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Monastery is a school for the divine service. In it, Christ is formed inside the Brothers’ hearts by means of Liturgy, the Abbot´s teaching and the fraternal life. The Word of God instructs the monks in the discipline of the heart and the ascesis. Thus, being obedient to the Holy Spirit, they can reach the purity of heart and the continuous memory of God´s presence.” (Constitutions and Statutes, c.3)